Source code for pyax12.connection

# -*- coding : utf-8 -*-

# PyAX-12

# The MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2010,2015 Jeremie DECOCK (
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

This module contain the `Connection` class communicate with Dynamixel units.

__all__ = ['Connection']

import serial
import time

import pyax12.packet as pk
import pyax12.status_packet as sp
import pyax12.instruction_packet as ip

from pyax12 import utils

[docs]class Connection(object): """Create a serial connection with dynamixel actuators. :param str port: the serial device to connect with (e.g. '/dev/ttyUSB0' for Unix users or 'COM1' for windows users). :param int baudrate: the baudrate speed (e.g. 57600). :param float timeout: the timeout value for the connection. :param float waiting_time: the waiting time (in seconds) between sending the instruction packet and the receiving the status packet. """ def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=57600, timeout=0.1, waiting_time=0.02): self.waiting_time = waiting_time self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate self.timeout = timeout self.serial_connection = serial.Serial(port=self.port, baudrate=self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE)
[docs] def send(self, instruction_packet): """Send an instruction packet. :param instruction_packet: can be either a `Packet` instance or a "bytes" string containing the full instruction packet to be sent to Dynamixel units. """ if isinstance(instruction_packet, bytes): # instruction_packet is a bytes instance instruction_packet_bytes = instruction_packet else: # instruction_packet is a Packet instance instruction_packet_bytes = instruction_packet.to_bytes() self.flush() # Send the packet ################################# self.serial_connection.write(instruction_packet_bytes) # Receive the reply (status packet) ############### # WARNING: # If you use the USB2Dynamixel device, make sure its switch is set on # "TTL" (otherwise status packets won't be readable). time.sleep(self.waiting_time) num_bytes_available = self.serial_connection.inWaiting() # TODO: not robust... status_packet_bytes = # TODO: make the reading status more robust? status_packet = None if len(status_packet_bytes) > 0: status_packet = sp.StatusPacket(status_packet_bytes) return status_packet
[docs] def close(self): """Close the serial connection.""" # TODO: flush ? self.serial_connection.close()
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush the connection buffers.""" self.serial_connection.flushInput() #self.serial_connection.flushOutput() # TODO ? ## HIGH LEVEL FUNCTIONS ####################################################
[docs] def read_data(self, dynamixel_id, address, length): """Read bytes form the control table of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). :param int address: the starting address of the location where the data is to be read. :param int length: the length of the data to be read. """ instruction = ip.READ_DATA params = (address, length) inst_packet = ip.InstructionPacket(dynamixel_id, instruction, params) status_packet = self.send(inst_packet) data_bytes = None if status_packet is not None: if status_packet.dynamixel_id == dynamixel_id: data_bytes = status_packet.parameters else: pass # TODO: exception ? # TODO: exception if dxl_id = 0xFE return data_bytes
[docs] def write_data(self, dynamixel_id, address, data): """Write bytes to the control table of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFE). :param int address: the starting address of the location where the data is to be written. :param bytes data: the bytes of the data to be written (it can be an integer, a sequence of integer, a bytes or a bytearray). """ bytes_address = bytes((address, )) if isinstance(data, int): bytes_to_write = bytes((data, )) else: bytes_to_write = bytes(data) instruction = ip.WRITE_DATA params = bytes_address + bytes_to_write inst_packet = ip.InstructionPacket(dynamixel_id, instruction, params) self.send(inst_packet)
[docs] def ping(self, dynamixel_id): """Ping the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). :return: ``True`` if the specified unit is available, ``False`` otherwise. """ instruction = ip.PING inst_packet = ip.InstructionPacket(dynamixel_id, instruction) status_packet = self.send(inst_packet) is_available = False if status_packet is not None: if status_packet.dynamixel_id == dynamixel_id: is_available = True else: pass # TODO: exception ? # TODO: exception if dxl_id = 0xFE return is_available #def reset(self, dynamixel_id): # # status_packet = self.send(instruction_packet) # # if status_packet is not None: # pass # # TODO warning ## HIGHEST LEVEL FUNCTIONS #################################################
[docs] def dump_control_table(self, dynamixel_id): """Dump the *control table* of the specified Dynamixel unit. This function can be used to backup the current configuration of the given Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). :return: the sequence of all bytes in currently the *control table*. """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, 0, 50) return byte_seq
[docs] def print_control_table(self, dynamixel_id): """Print the *control table* of the specified Dynamixel unit in an "raw" format. To get the same output in a more easily human readable format, use the `pretty_print_control_table` function. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.dump_control_table(dynamixel_id) control_table_str = utils.pretty_hex_str(byte_seq, ' ') print(control_table_str)
[docs] def get_control_table_tuple(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the *control table* of the specified Dynamixel unit in an easily human readable tuple. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ dxl_id = dynamixel_id # use a shorter alias... #### def angle_to_str(dxl_angle): angle_degrees = utils.dxl_angle_to_degrees(dxl_angle) angle_str = "{}° ({})".format(angle_degrees, dxl_angle) return angle_str def abs_angle_to_str(dxl_angle): angle_degrees = round(dxl_angle / 1023. * 300., 1) angle_str = "{}° ({})".format(angle_degrees, dxl_angle) return angle_str #### model_number = self.get_model_number(dxl_id) if model_number == 12: model_number_str = "AX-12+" elif model_number == 13: model_number_str = "AX-S1" else: model_number_str = "Unknown (%i)" % model_number baud_rate_str = "%s bps" % self.get_baud_rate(dxl_id) return_delay_time_str = "%s µs" % self.get_return_delay_time(dxl_id) cw_angle_limit_str = angle_to_str(self.get_cw_angle_limit(dxl_id)) ccw_angle_limit_str = angle_to_str(self.get_ccw_angle_limit(dxl_id)) max_temperature_str = "%s°C" % self.get_max_temperature(dxl_id) min_voltage_str = "%sV" % self.get_min_voltage(dxl_id) max_voltage_str = "%sV" % self.get_max_voltage(dxl_id) max_torque = self.get_max_torque(dxl_id) if max_torque == 0: max_torque_str = "0 (free run mode)" else: max_torque_str = max_torque status_return_level = self.get_status_return_level(dxl_id) if status_return_level == 0: status_return_level_str = "0 (do not respond to any instructions)" elif status_return_level == 1: status_return_level_str = ("1 (respond only to READ_DATA" " instructions)") elif status_return_level == 2: status_return_level_str = "2 (respond to all instructions)" else: status_return_level_str = "%i (unknown)" % status_return_level voltage_alarm_led = self.has_input_voltage_alarm_led(dxl_id) angle_limit_alarm_led = self.has_angle_limit_alarm_led(dxl_id) overheating_alarm_led = self.has_overheating_alarm_led(dxl_id) range_alarm_led = self.has_range_alarm_led(dxl_id) checksum_alarm_led = self.has_checksum_alarm_led(dxl_id) overload_alarm_led = self.has_overload_alarm_led(dxl_id) instruction_alarm_led = self.has_instruction_alarm_led(dxl_id) voltage_alarm_led_str = "on" if voltage_alarm_led else "off" angle_limit_alarm_led_str = "on" if angle_limit_alarm_led else "off" overheating_alarm_led_str = "on" if overheating_alarm_led else "off" range_alarm_led_str = "on" if range_alarm_led else "off" checksum_alarm_led_str = "on" if checksum_alarm_led else "off" overload_alarm_led_str = "on" if overload_alarm_led else "off" instruction_alarm_led_str = "on" if instruction_alarm_led else "off" voltage_alarm_off = self.has_input_voltage_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) angle_limit_alarm_off = self.has_angle_limit_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) overheating_alarm_off = self.has_overheating_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) range_alarm_off = self.has_range_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) checksum_alarm_off = self.has_checksum_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) overload_alarm_off = self.has_overload_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) instruction_alarm_off = self.has_instruction_alarm_shutdown(dxl_id) voltage_alarm_off_str = "on" if voltage_alarm_off else "off" angle_limit_alarm_off_str = "on" if angle_limit_alarm_off else "off" overheating_alarm_off_str = "on" if overheating_alarm_off else "off" range_alarm_off_str = "on" if range_alarm_off else "off" checksum_alarm_off_str = "on" if checksum_alarm_off else "off" overload_alarm_off_str = "on" if overload_alarm_off else "off" instruction_alarm_off_str = "on" if instruction_alarm_off else "off" torque_enable_str = "yes" if self.is_torque_enable(dxl_id) else "no" led_str = "on" if self.is_led_enabled(dxl_id) else "off" cw_compliance_margin = self.get_cw_compliance_margin(dxl_id) ccw_compliance_margin = self.get_ccw_compliance_margin(dxl_id) cw_compliance_slope = self.get_cw_compliance_slope(dxl_id) ccw_compliance_slope = self.get_ccw_compliance_slope(dxl_id) cw_compliance_margin_str = abs_angle_to_str(cw_compliance_margin) ccw_compliance_margin_str = abs_angle_to_str(ccw_compliance_margin) cw_compliance_slope_str = abs_angle_to_str(cw_compliance_slope) ccw_compliance_slope_str = abs_angle_to_str(ccw_compliance_slope) goal_position_str = angle_to_str(self.get_goal_position(dxl_id)) position_str = angle_to_str(self.get_present_position(dxl_id)) voltage_str = "%sV" % self.get_present_voltage(dxl_id) temperature_str = "%s°C" % self.get_present_temperature(dxl_id) if self.has_registred_instruction(dxl_id): registred_inst_str = "yes" else: registred_inst_str = "no" moving_str = "yes" if self.is_moving(dxl_id) else "no" locked_str = "yes" if self.is_locked(dxl_id) else "no" #### ctrl_table_tuple = ( ("model_number", model_number_str), ("firmware_version", self.get_firmware_version(dxl_id)), #("id", self.get_id(dxl_id)), # TODO: stupide... ("id", dxl_id), ("baud_rate", baud_rate_str), ("return_delay_time", return_delay_time_str), ("cw_angle_limit", cw_angle_limit_str), ("ccw_angle_limit", ccw_angle_limit_str), ("max_temperature", max_temperature_str), ("min_voltage", min_voltage_str), ("max_voltage", max_voltage_str), ("max_torque", max_torque_str), ("status_return_level", status_return_level_str), ("input_voltage_alarm_led", voltage_alarm_led_str), ("angle_limit_alarm_led", angle_limit_alarm_led_str), ("overheating_alarm_led", overheating_alarm_led_str), ("range_alarm_led", range_alarm_led_str), ("checksum_alarm_led", checksum_alarm_led_str), ("overload_alarm_led", overload_alarm_led_str), ("instruction_alarm_led", instruction_alarm_led_str), ("input_voltage_alarm_shutdown", voltage_alarm_off_str), ("angle_limit_alarm_shutdown", angle_limit_alarm_off_str), ("overheating_alarm_shutdown", overheating_alarm_off_str), ("range_alarm_shutdown", range_alarm_off_str), ("checksum_alarm_shutdown", checksum_alarm_off_str), ("overload_alarm_shutdown", overload_alarm_off_str), ("instruction_alarm_shutdown", instruction_alarm_off_str), ("down_calibration", self.get_down_calibration(dxl_id)), ("up_calibration", self.get_up_calibration(dxl_id)), ("torque_enabled", torque_enable_str), ("led", led_str), ("cw_compliance_margin", cw_compliance_margin_str), ("ccw_compliance_margin", ccw_compliance_margin_str), ("cw_compliance_slope", cw_compliance_slope_str), ("ccw_compliance_slope", ccw_compliance_slope_str), ("goal_position", goal_position_str), ("moving_speed", self.get_moving_speed(dxl_id)), ("torque_limit", self.get_torque_limit(dxl_id)), ("present_position", position_str), ("present_speed", self.get_present_speed(dxl_id)), ("present_load", self.get_present_load(dxl_id)), ("present_voltage", voltage_str), ("present_temperature", temperature_str), ("registred_instruction", registred_inst_str), ("moving", moving_str), ("locked", locked_str), ("punch", self.get_punch(dxl_id)), ) return ctrl_table_tuple
[docs] def pretty_print_control_table(self, dynamixel_id): """Print the *control table* of the specified Dynamixel unit in an easily human readable format. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ ctrl_table_tuple = self.get_control_table_tuple(dynamixel_id) for key, value in ctrl_table_tuple: print("{:.<29} {}".format(key, value))
[docs] def scan(self, dynamixel_id_bytes=None): """Return the ID sequence of available Dynamixel units. :param bytes dynamixel_id_bytes: a sequence of unique ID of the Dynamixel units to be pinged. """ available_ids = bytearray() if dynamixel_id_bytes is None: dynamixel_id_bytes = bytes(range(0xfe)) # bytes in range (0, 0xfd) for dynamixel_id in dynamixel_id_bytes: if 0 <= dynamixel_id <= 0xfd: if available_ids.append(dynamixel_id) else: pass # TODO exception return available_ids # HIGH LEVEL ACCESSORS ####################################################
[docs] def get_model_number(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the model number of the specified Dynamixel unit. For AX-12, this value should be 12 (0x000C). :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.MODEL_NUMBER, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_firmware_version(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the firmware version of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.VERSION_OF_FIRMWARE, 1) return byte_seq[0] # # TODO: stupide... # def get_id(self, dynamixel_id): # """Return the ID of the specified Dynamixel unit. # # :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be # in range (0, 0xFD). # """ # byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ID, 1) # return byte_seq[0] # TODO: add the data value table (cf. p. 13) # baud_rate = 2000000 / (address_4 + 1)
[docs] def get_baud_rate(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the communication speed (baud rate) of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.BAUD_RATE, 1) raw_value = byte_seq[0] baudrate = 2000000 / (raw_value + 1) return round(baudrate, 1)
[docs] def get_return_delay_time(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the return delay time of the specified Dynamixel unit. The return delay time is the time it takes (in uSec) for the status packet to return after the instruction packet is sent. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.RETURN_DELAY_TIME, 1) raw_value = byte_seq[0] delay_time = 2 * raw_value return delay_time
[docs] def get_cw_angle_limit(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the *clockwise angle limit* of the specified Dynamixel unit. The goal position should be higher or equal than this value, otherwise the *Angle Limit Error Bit* (the second error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CW_ANGLE_LIMIT, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_ccw_angle_limit(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the *counter clockwise angle limit* of the specified Dynamixel unit. The goal position should be lower or equal than this value, otherwise the *Angle Limit Error Bit* (the second error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_max_temperature(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the maximum tolerated internal temperature for the specified Dynamixel unit. If the internal temperature of the Dynamixel actuator gets higher than this value, the *Over Heating Error Bit* (the third error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. The values are in degrees Celsius. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.HIGHEST_LIMIT_TEMPERATURE, 1) return byte_seq[0]
[docs] def get_min_voltage(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the minimum tolerated operating voltage for the specified Dynamixel unit. If the present voltage of the Dynamixel actuator gets lower than this value, the *Voltage Range Error Bit* (the first error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. The values are in Volts. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.LOWEST_LIMIT_VOLTAGE, 1) raw_value = byte_seq[0] min_voltage = raw_value / 10. return min_voltage
[docs] def get_max_voltage(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the maximum tolerated operating voltage for the specified Dynamixel unit. If the present voltage of the Dynamixel actuator gets higher than this value, the *Voltage Range Error Bit* (the first error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. The values are in Volts. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.HIGHEST_LIMIT_VOLTAGE, 1) raw_value = byte_seq[0] max_voltage = raw_value / 10. return max_voltage
[docs] def get_max_torque(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the initial maximum torque output of the specified Dynamixel unit. This value, written in EEPROM, is copied to the *torque limit* bytes (in RAM) when the power is turned ON. Thus, *max torque* is just an initialization value for the actual *torque limit*. If this value is equal to ``0``, the Dynamixel unit is configured in *free run mode*. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.MAX_TORQUE, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_status_return_level(self, dynamixel_id): """Say whether the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to return a *Status Packet* after receiving an *Instruction Packet*. +----------------+----------------------------------------+ | Returned value | Meaning | +================+========================================+ | 0 | Do not respond to any instructions | +----------------+----------------------------------------+ | 1 | Respond only to READ_DATA instructions | +----------------+----------------------------------------+ | 2 | Respond to all instructions | +----------------+----------------------------------------+ :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.STATUS_RETURN_LEVEL, 1) return byte_seq[0]
[docs] def has_input_voltage_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Input Voltage Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 0))
[docs] def has_angle_limit_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Angle Limit Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 1))
[docs] def has_overheating_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Overheating Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 2))
[docs] def has_range_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Range Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 3))
[docs] def has_checksum_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Checksum Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 4))
[docs] def has_overload_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Overload Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 5))
[docs] def has_instruction_alarm_led(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to blink when an *Instruction Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_LED, 1) alarm_led_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_led_byte & (1 << 6))
[docs] def has_input_voltage_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Input Voltage Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 0))
[docs] def has_angle_limit_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Angle Limit Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 1))
[docs] def has_overheating_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Overheating Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 2))
[docs] def has_range_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Range Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 3))
[docs] def has_checksum_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Checksum Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 4))
[docs] def has_overload_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Overload Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 5))
[docs] def has_instruction_alarm_shutdown(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is configured to turn off its torque when an *Instruction Error* occurs. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.ALARM_SHUTDOWN, 1) alarm_shutdown_byte = byte_seq[0] return bool(alarm_shutdown_byte & (1 << 6))
[docs] def get_down_calibration(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the "down calibration" value of the specified Dynamixel unit. The calibration value is used to compensate the differences between the potentiometers used in the Dynamixel units. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.DOWN_CALIBRATION, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_up_calibration(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the "up calibration" value of the specified Dynamixel unit. The calibration value is used to compensate the differences between the potentiometers used in the Dynamixel units. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.UP_CALIBRATION, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def is_torque_enable(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the torque of the specified Dynamixel unit is enabled; otherwise return ``False``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.TORQUE_ENABLE, 1) return byte_seq[0] == 1
[docs] def is_led_enabled(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the LED of the specified Dynamixel unit is ON; otherwise return ``False``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.LED, 1) return byte_seq[0] == 1
[docs] def get_cw_compliance_margin(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the clockwise compliance margin of the specified Dynamixel unit. The compliance feature can be utilized for absorbing shocks at the output shaft. :: CW │━━━━━━━━━━ goal position │ :╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ┃ : │ : ┃ ▽ CCW ──┼───────────────┺━━━━━━━━━━━┱─────────────▶ CW │ : : : ┃ │ : : : ┃ │ : : : :╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ │ : : : : : CCW ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ A B C D x axis: position error y axis: output torque A: CCW Compliance Slope B: CCW Compliance Margin C: CW Compliance Slope D: CW Compliance Margin :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CW_COMPLIENCE_MARGIN, 1) return byte_seq[0]
[docs] def get_ccw_compliance_margin(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the counter clockwise compliance margin of the specified Dynamixel unit. The compliance feature can be utilized for absorbing shocks at the output shaft. :: CW │━━━━━━━━━━ goal position │ :╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ┃ : │ : ┃ ▽ CCW ──┼───────────────┺━━━━━━━━━━━┱─────────────▶ CW │ : : : ┃ │ : : : ┃ │ : : : :╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ │ : : : : : CCW ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ A B C D x axis: position error y axis: output torque A: CCW Compliance Slope B: CCW Compliance Margin C: CW Compliance Slope D: CW Compliance Margin :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CCW_COMPLIENCE_MARGIN, 1) return byte_seq[0]
[docs] def get_cw_compliance_slope(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the clockwise compliance scope of the specified Dynamixel unit. The compliance feature can be utilized for absorbing shocks at the output shaft. :: CW │━━━━━━━━━━ goal position │ :╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ┃ : │ : ┃ ▽ CCW ──┼───────────────┺━━━━━━━━━━━┱─────────────▶ CW │ : : : ┃ │ : : : ┃ │ : : : :╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ │ : : : : : CCW ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ A B C D x axis: position error y axis: output torque A: CCW Compliance Slope B: CCW Compliance Margin C: CW Compliance Slope D: CW Compliance Margin :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CW_COMPLIENCE_SLOPE, 1) return byte_seq[0]
[docs] def get_ccw_compliance_slope(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the counter clockwise compliance scope of the specified Dynamixel unit. The compliance feature can be utilized for absorbing shocks at the output shaft. :: CW │━━━━━━━━━━ goal position │ :╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ┃ : │ : ┃ ▽ CCW ──┼───────────────┺━━━━━━━━━━━┱─────────────▶ CW │ : : : ┃ │ : : : ┃ │ : : : :╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ │ : : : : : CCW ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ A B C D x axis: position error y axis: output torque A: CCW Compliance Slope B: CCW Compliance Margin C: CW Compliance Slope D: CW Compliance Margin :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CCW_COMPLIENCE_SLOPE, 1) return byte_seq[0]
[docs] def get_goal_position(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the requested goal angular position of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.GOAL_POSITION, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_moving_speed(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the angular velocity of the specified Dynamixel unit. This angular velocity is defined in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. The maximum value (1023 or 0x3FF) corresponds to 114 RPM (provided that there is enough power supplide). Zero is a special value meaning that the largest possible velocity is supplied for the configured voltage, e.g. no velocity control is applied. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.MOVING_SPEED, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_torque_limit(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the maximum torque output of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.TORQUE_LIMIT, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq)
[docs] def get_present_position(self, dynamixel_id, degrees=False): """Return the current angular position of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). :param bool degrees: defines the returned `position` unit. If `degrees` is ``True``, `position` corresponds to the goal rotation angle *in degrees* with respect to the original position and is defined in range (-150, 150). Otherwise, `position` is a unit free angular position to the origin, defined in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.PRESENT_POSITION, 2) position = utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq) if degrees: position = utils.dxl_angle_to_degrees(position) return position
[docs] def get_present_speed(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the current angular velocity of the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.PRESENT_SPEED, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq) # TODO: test this function
[docs] def get_present_load(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the magnitude of the load applied to the specified Dynamixel unit. If the returned value is negative, the load is applied to the clockwise direction. If the returned value is positive, the load is applied to the counter clockwise direction. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = bytearray(self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.PRESENT_LOAD, 2)) load_direction = -1 if (byte_seq[1] & (1 << 2)) == 0 else 1 byte_seq[1] = 0b00000011 & byte_seq[1] abs_load = utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq) load = load_direction * abs_load return load
[docs] def get_present_voltage(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the voltage currently applied to the specified Dynamixel unit (in Volts). :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.PRESENT_VOLTAGE, 1) raw_value = byte_seq[0] voltage = raw_value / 10. return voltage
[docs] def get_present_temperature(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the internal temperature of the specified Dynamixel unit (in Degrees Celsius). :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.PRESENT_TEMPERATURE, 1) return byte_seq[0] # TODO: stupid ?
[docs] def has_registred_instruction(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is currently processing a REG_WRITE command; otherwise, return ``False``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.REGISTRED_INSTRUCTION, 1) return byte_seq[0] == 1
[docs] def is_moving(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is moving by its own power; return ``False`` otherwise. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.MOVING, 1) return byte_seq[0] == 1
[docs] def is_locked(self, dynamixel_id): """Return ``True`` if the specified Dynamixel unit is locked; return ``False`` otherwise. When a Dynamixel unit is locked, only addresses 0x18 to 0x23 can be written. Once locked, it can only be unlocked by turning the power off. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.LOCK, 1) return byte_seq[0] == 1
[docs] def get_punch(self, dynamixel_id): """Return the minimum current supplied to the motor of the specified Dynamixel unit during operation. The initial value is set to 0x20 and its maximum value is 0x3FF. :: CW │━━━━━━━━━━ goal position │ :╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ╲ : │ : ┃ : ▲ │ : ┃ : │ E │ : ┃ ▽ ▼ CCW ──┼───────────────┺━━━━━━━━━━━┱─────────────▶ CW │ : : : ┃ ▲ │ : : : ┃ │ E │ : : : ┃ ▼ │ : : : :╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲ │ : : : : ╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ │ : : : : : CCW ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ ◀───▶ A B C D x axis: position error y axis: output torque A: CCW Compliance Slope B: CCW Compliance Margin C: CW Compliance Slope D: CW Compliance Margin E: Punch :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). """ byte_seq = self.read_data(dynamixel_id, pk.PUNCH, 2) return utils.little_endian_bytes_to_int(byte_seq) # HIGH LEVEL MUTATORS #####################################################
[docs] def set_cw_angle_limit(self, dynamixel_id, angle_limit, degrees=False): """Set the *clockwise angle limit* of the specified Dynamixel unit to the specified `angle_limit`. The *goal position* should be higher or equal than this value, otherwise the *Angle Limit Error Bit* (the second error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). :param int angle_limit: the *clockwise angle limit* to be set for the specified Dynamixel unit. If `degrees` is ``True``, this value is defined in degrees and must be in range (-150, 150); otherwise, it is an unit free angle and must be in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. :param bool degrees: defines the `angle_limit` unit. If `degrees` is ``True``, `angle_limit` is defined *in degrees* and must be in range (-150, 150). Otherwise, `angle_limit` is a unit free angular limit, defined in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. """ # TODO: check ranges if degrees: angle_limit = utils.degrees_to_dxl_angle(angle_limit) params = utils.int_to_little_endian_bytes(angle_limit) self.write_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CW_ANGLE_LIMIT, params)
[docs] def set_ccw_angle_limit(self, dynamixel_id, angle_limit, degrees=False): """Set the *counter clockwise angle limit* of the specified Dynamixel unit to the specified `angle_limit`. The goal position should be lower or equal than this value, otherwise the *Angle Limit Error Bit* (the second error bit of Status Packets) will be set to ``1``. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFD). :param int angle_limit: the *counter clockwise angle limit* to be set for the specified Dynamixel unit. If `degrees` is ``True``, this value is defined in degrees and must be in range (-150, 150); otherwise, it is an unit free angle and must be in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. :param bool degrees: defines the `angle_limit` unit. If `degrees` is ``True``, `angle_limit` is defined *in degrees* and must be in range (-150, 150). Otherwise, `angle_limit` is a unit free angular limit, defined in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. """ # TODO: check ranges if degrees: angle_limit = utils.degrees_to_dxl_angle(angle_limit) params = utils.int_to_little_endian_bytes(angle_limit) self.write_data(dynamixel_id, pk.CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT, params) ###
[docs] def goto(self, dynamixel_id, position, speed=None, degrees=False): """Set the *goal position* and *moving speed* for the specified Dynamixel unit. :param int dynamixel_id: the unique ID of a Dynamixel unit. It must be in range (0, 0xFE). :param int position: the new goal position. If `degrees` is ``True``, `position` corresponds to the goal rotation angle *in degrees* with respect to the original position and must be in range (-150, 150). Otherwise, `position` is a unit free rotation angle to the origin, defined in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. :param int speed: the new moving speed. It must be in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. This parameter is optional; if `speed` is not specified, the *moving speed* present in the Dynamixel control table is kept and used to reach the goal position. :param bool degrees: defines the `position` unit. If `degrees` is ``True``, `position` corresponds to the goal rotation angle *in degrees* with respect to the original position and must be in range (-150, 150). Otherwise, `position` is a unit free angular position, defined in range (0, 1023) i.e. (0, 0x3FF) in hexadecimal notation. """ # TODO: check ranges if degrees: position = utils.degrees_to_dxl_angle(position) params = utils.int_to_little_endian_bytes(position) if speed is not None: params += utils.int_to_little_endian_bytes(speed) self.write_data(dynamixel_id, pk.GOAL_POSITION, params)